Throughout history, the process of ear candling as changed little. It dates back as far as biblical times when the Egyptians went to the River Jordan and hollow reeds were used to remove "demons". At Dr. Julia's Inn, we use only the finest quality of imported beeswax candles made from unbleached muslin - the purest, most natural candle. They cost a bit more but the health and safety for my clients is my first consideration.
How does it work? The candle is a hollow tube candle which burns slowing and gentle warmth is drawn into the ear canal which softens and loosens candida, wax and other debris. This draws toxins from the sinuses and the lymphatic system then draws the toxins and debris up in the opening of the candle. The gentle vacuum is formed when the candle is placed in the outer ear canal. Ear candling is a natural and non-intrusive alternative that helps alleviate the painful effects of chonic headaches due to sinus infections, painful ear pain from ear infections minor hearing loss due to excessive ear wax buildup and allergies. Excessive ear wax buildup can cause discomfort, headaches, tinnitus (ringing of the ear) and vertigo. Ear candling alleviates these conditions. Ear candling draws out fungus, infection, candida and other debris.
At Dr. Julia's Inn, I educate people how to ear candle themselves and their loved ones. I provide in-home ear candling or appointments are available at the Inn. If I can ever help you or a loved one know more about the power of ear candling please call my office and make an appointment.